1. 基础
1.1 变量
- var
- final 和 const
####1.2 Built-in-types
- numbers
- strings
- booleans
- lists (also known as arrays)
- sets
- maps
- runes 符号 (for expressing Unicode characters in a string)
- symbols
2. 特性
class A { } class B { } class C extends A with B { }
class A implements B { } abstract class B { void describe(); }
const oneSecond = Duration(seconds: 1); Future<void> printWithDelay(String message) async { await Future.delayed(oneSecond); print(message); }
Stream<String> report(Spacecraft craft, Iterable<String> objects) async* { for (var object in objects) { await Future.delayed(oneSecond); yield '${craft.name} flies by $object'; } }
// 抛出异常 if (astronauts == 0) { throw StateError('No astronauts.'); } // try on or catch(both) try { breedMoreLlamas(); } on OutOfLlamasException { // A specific exception buyMoreLlamas(); } on Exception catch (e) { // Anything else that is an exception print('Unknown exception: $e'); } catch (e) { // No specified type, handles all print('Something really unknown: $e'); }
int a; print(a ??= 3); // print 3 print(a ?? 5); // print 3 print(null ?? 'This is null'); // print 'This is null' myObject?.someProperty /*<=>*/ (myObject != null) ? myObject.someProperty : 'myObject is null'
list, set, map
final aListOfStrings = ['one', 'two', 'three']; final aSetOfStrings = {'one', 'two', 'three'}; final aMapOfStringsToInts = { 'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, }; final aListOfInts = <int>[]; final aSetOfInts = <int>{}; final aMapOfIntToDouble = <int, double>{};
bool hasEmpty = aListOfStrings.any((s) => s.isEmpty); /*<=>*/ bool hasEmpty = aListOfStrings.any((s) { return s.isEmpty; });
var button = querySelector('#confirm'); button.text = 'Confirm'; button.classes.add('important'); button.onClick.listen((e) => window.alert('Confirmed!')); /*<=>*/ querySelector('#confirm') ..text = 'Confirm' ..classes.add('important') ..onClick.listen((e) => window.alert('Confirmed!'));
class Square extends Shape {} class Circle extends Shape {} class Shape { Shape(); factory Shape.fromTypeName(String typeName) { if (typeName == 'square') return Square(); if (typeName == 'circle') return Circle(); print('I don\'t recognize $typeName'); return null; } }
重定向构造函数, 没有重装
class Automobile { String make; String model; int mpg; // The main constructor for this class. Automobile(this.make, this.model, this.mpg); // Delegates to the main constructor. Automobile.hybrid(String make, String model) : this(make, model, 60); // Delegates to a named constructor Automobile.fancyHybrid() : this.hybrid('Futurecar', 'Mark 2'); }
2. 异步 Future + async + await
- 异步场景
- 从网上获取数据
Fetching data over a network
- 读写DB
Writing to a database
- 从文件中读数据
Reading data from a file
- 从网上获取数据
// Synchronous String createOrderMessage () { var order = getUserOrder(); return 'Your order is: $order'; } Future<String> getUserOrder() { // Imagine that this function is // more complex and slow. return Future.delayed( Duration(seconds: 4), () => 'Large Latte'); } // Synchronous main() { print('Fetching user order...'); print(createOrderMessage()); } // 'Fetching user order...' // 'Your order is: Instance of _Future<String>'
// Asynchronous Future<String> createOrderMessage () async { var order = await getUserOrder(); return 'Your order is: $order'; } Future<String> getUserOrder() { // Imagine that this function is // more complex and slow. return Future.delayed( Duration(seconds: 4), () => 'Large Latte'); } // Asynchronous main() async { print('Fetching user order...'); print(await createOrderMessage()); } // 'Fetching user order...' // 'Your order is: Large Latte'